Monday, September 6, 2010

Ready? Set? DRIVE!

I don't know about Jim (I'm sure he'll post later) but I'm really mixed up about the trip so far. I'm supremely excited about seeing the country and having fun with my best friend, but my family and friends are all here. I said good-bye to my sister yesterday morning, and she was a mess. Of course, my mom immediately became as mess as well. I stayed rather stoic, but that's beside the point. I'm very close with my family - we've never really been more than a few hours apart for any REAL extended period of time - and that makes this difficult. We all know that this is a great opportunity and a fantastic adventure, but it's still tough. I'll miss them dearly, and I know that they get that despite what emotion I do or do not show during good-byes.

Anyway, enough of that sappy stuff! HOLY SHIT ROAD TRIP, BABY!!!! I'm picking Jim up at his house in about an hour, and from there we're hitting Route 80 West on our way to Cleveland, Ohio. No, we're not going to take the Drew Carey Show tour...we're going to the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame! It's gonna be about a 6-hour ride from where we are now...maybe a little more depending on how we travel...but who cares?!? This is the start of a great experience, and I for one couldn't be more pumped to spend the next week with my best buddy. So with no further adieu, we begin...


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