Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Over the Mississippi

Now that we have brought our juggernaut to a halt for a night, we can relax and enjoy the view of Worthington, MS, which looks exactly as it does during the night time than when we are running on a caffeine and sugar frenzy. We got our second wind as we heard Toto's Africa come on the satellite radio.

The Wisconsin Dells, though we couldn't see too much of them in the dark, have a uniquely huge tourist magnetism. There were several indoor water parks and resort hotels lined up alongside an outlet mall and golf course. I guess they are similar to the Poconos for Chicagoans (I had to look up what people from Chicago call themselves.)

About half way through Minnesota, we found several fields off in the distance that had thousands of blinking red lights a hundred or so feet off the ground. The eerie thing was that this network of lights blinked simultaneously and spanned several miles in each direction. When we finally got close enough to investigate, we saw a giant prop in the short second of illumination from the blinking. They were wind turbines... THOUSANDS of them. We were so stoked that we solved the mystery and yet also saddened that we could not witness what we were seeing during the day.

We hit a few rest stops, mainly for gas and caffeinated things. We were unstoppable...for a while. Now I am waiting for Brice to get up so we can get our continental breakfast before we go the four or five hours it takes to get to Mount Rushmore.

Till Later,


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