Friday, September 10, 2010


Despite Thursday being a relatively short drive distance-wise, the day seemed to drag on and on. We stopped at Devil's Tower National Monument, and DAMN is it one big ass, cool looking rock! Mother Nature is one cool lady, when she's not pissed and setting the world on fire or battering us with hurricanes and natural disasters.

There are no shortage of cows in the Wyoming countryside, but I don't want to see cows. I'm interested in critters I've never seen before. So far we've seen a mountain goat, prairie dogs, a jackalope or two, and some antelope. I have yet to see any buffalo, moose, elk, eagles, etc. I need to see these before I get to California. Quest accepted!

Today Jim and I are heading into Yellowstone. I heard that they're expecting 1 to 5 inches of snow today...Crazy. If they don't close the park due to the snow (wtf?) then we're doing Mammoth Hot Springs, Old Faithful, Yellowstone Falls and Yellowstone Lake. This is the part of the trip that we've been looking forward to the most, hands down. I can't wait! LOTS of pictures to come next update. Which reminds me...

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