Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It All Begins...

Well, we didn't hit oil and strike it rich like the Clampitt family, but I'm heading out to California anyway. My wife interviewed (six times!) for a position in a bigger, better company than the one she's in now, and we're moving out to Mountain View at the beginning of next month. We're busy now packing all of our belongings and visiting with as many friends and family as we can, and then we're shipping out. North American Van Lines is taking our stuff, Jen (that's the wife) is flying out there with the dog, and I'm left to do something I've always wanted to do: drive across the country.

Luckily, I'm not doing it alone. My best friend Jim is coming with me, and we're going to make this trip one to remember. Very exciting. We'll be documenting our whole journey here in words, pictures and video. It'll be like Borat...except with much less suck.

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