Sunday, November 4, 2012

Here We Go Again!

Well well well...

It may be a little sooner than we wanted it to be (thank you to the unnamed global company and terrible manager who made it possible for me), but we're on our way home.

Originally the plan was for us to move back to New Jersey in August of 2013.  I had a good job and was getting great experience for my resume, and we wanted to stay another year because of it.  Without the job (the wife can take hers back to New Jersey) there is no reason for us to stay in California.  It's sad, really.  We both like it here despite the crummy drivers, people who don't understand sarcasm and get offended WAY too easily, and the exorbitant prices.

So we're moving back to the Jerz.  Back to friends and family and actual seasons and weather and thunderstorms and yes, even winter.  We're actually moving back at the very BEGINNING of winter.  Time to get those shoveling muscles back in shape!

Moving home might suck (it certainly sucks living in an apartment that looks like a cardboard jungle), but there is a silver lining to this cloud.


I did it last time, and I'm doing it again!  To be more specific, WE are doing it again.  Jim is coming back to Sunnyvale, helping us pack our storage pod (he might not know that yet) and then we're taking off on another trip across the US of A.  This time we're headed across the southern route, which will take us straight through Dallas, where we will pick up our other best friend Nik.  Nik will be on the rest of the trip with us, and home for Thanksgiving with his folks.

Unlike last time, I am planning on updating this blog as continuously as possible, and sharing information, statistics, gas mileage, distances, etc. for all the people who are following us.

First off:  The routes.

The road trip will take place over 7 legs.  The beginning and end points are static, so besides the major things we want to see, what happens in between them will be totally spontaneous.  Here's our routes as they stand right now:

First Leg

Second Leg

Third Leg

Fourth Leg

Fifth Leg

Sixth Leg

Seventh Leg

It all ends with a triumphant return home for the three of us.  I can't wait.

Follow along on Road Trip...Part Deux!

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